Mick Jagger girlfriend is 44 years younger than him – now she is addressing the rumors

Big age gaps in a relationship are often debated to no end by people. Oftentimes, in celebrity relationships, we see big age gaps which are rarely addressed by the couple. This time around, though, it seems the couple wanted to clear the air.

Keep reading to learn more about how Mick Jagger and his girlfriend, Melanie Hamrick, feel about their 44-year age difference!

While a big age gap might be a deal breaker for some people, it does not seem to bother rock legend Mick Jagger and his girlfriend, Melanie Hamrick. In a recent, rare interview with The Sunday Times, 37-year-old Melanie decided to open herself up.

She said she is not worried about what people think of her romance with 81-year-old Rolling Stones leadman Mick Jagger.

“I don’t think about [the age gap],” she said. “Everyone’s going to have their opinion. If you think about others’ opinions, no matter where you are in life, you’re going to have a problem and you’re going to analyze it.”

Mick Jagger poses with girlfriend, Melanie Hamrick.

“I put the blinders on,” Melanie she went on. “Am I happy? Yes. Are the people in my life happy? Yes. Am I hurting anyone? No. OK, they can mind their own business.”

Mick and Melanie have been in a relationship for an entire decade, and their romance started in 2014. In 2016, they welcomed their son, Deveraux.

Their son is now 7 years old. Melanie is a former ballerina but now focuses most of her time on her writing. She said her boyfriend is the one who encouraged her dream of writing a book.

Mick Jagger poses with girlfriend, Melanie Hamrick.

Her novels are inspired by her time as a ballerina. Mick has been reading her work and giving her feedback. She related some of it in her interview, “[Mick’s], like, ‘Throbbing was used a lot in book two.”

She recalled the time she met Mick Jagger, saying she had not been starstruck by his presence because of her experience as a ballerina.

“Ballet dancers meet some of the biggest stars and act, like, ‘Who are you?’ Because, to us, ballet dancers are the gods. That’s who you study and look up to. You’re so in your world,” she said.

Mick Jagger performs on stage.

She met Mick when the American Ballet Theatre dancers had been given tickets to a Rolling Stones concert in February 2014. She was 26 years old and had never been to a Rolling Stones show before.

She recalled the exact moment she met Jagger for the first time. The singer was about to go on stage and interacted with her briefly. “He’s about to go on stage, he’s in his moment,” she said, describing the moment. “Everyone has their different thing.”

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