Man mocked for being with 252 lb woman, has the perfect response to shut haters up

When we share our lives on the internet, we often open them up to criticism. This young couple who just enjoys sharing pictures with one another received backlash from people for their relationship.

However, their response to the criticism is brilliant and a stark reminder of the importance of having the conviction of your beliefs.

The story of Matt and Brittany Montgomery is one that is quite common but nevertheless wonderful. The couple met, fell in love, and then started their lives together.

While it may sound like a common situation, the couple has a unique element in their story; their size difference. Brittany has had a hard time finding acceptance her entire life. She did not have the most secure relationship with her parents who were often controlling and her interactions with them would often leave her feeling drained.

All of this led to her having little confidence in herself and her body. Being plus-sized, she would often find herself with two kinds of men; those who would either want her to lose weight or those who fetishized her curves. These bad experiences led to her wanting to quit dating altogether and close herself off from the possibility of love.

But fate had something else in store for her! In August 2020, she crossed paths with Matt Montgomery on Facebook. While their physical builds had a stark difference between them, their souls connected on a level like never before!

Brittany recalled, “I was a bit hesitant at first. I’ve been in relationships where guys have told me that they will dump me if I don’t start dieting or trying to lose weight. It did affect my self-confidence, and at one point, I did start working out and trying to change my size.”

But the two of them were sure of one another and deeply in love. Matt proposed on January 30, 2022 and the couple began planning their lives together.

While they fully accept one another, they shared how the world judges their relationship. Matt shared, “People comment on Instagram and suggest that I’m not big enough or man enough for her.” He added, “I do notice people staring when we walk down the street…”

Despite all the criticism they receive on their relationship from people who fail to understand their deep connection, the couple have nothing but love for one another.

Matt has in his past had bad experiences with conventionally sized women. How Brittany makes him feel is what inspired Matt into realizing that she really is his true soulmate. He accepts her the way she is and focuses on making her happy. He is not shy about expressing his appreciation for her publicly, in a post for her he wrote, “You are worthy, you are deserving of infinite love every single day and more. The way I look at you and feel for you and the way you look and feel for me is how I know that we are meant to be.”

His caption shows people leaving rude comments on the couples’ pictures that he loves his wife and that they have a connection that goes much beyond the physical. What a solid response to the haters!


The couple wants to remove the stigma behind ‘mixed-weight’ relationships. “I wish mixed-weight relationships were more common and more in the norm,” she said.

The young couple welcomed their child Lakelyn in March 2022 and just last month announced that they are expecting their second child together in September 2023. We wish them all the best!

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