At 54, Gwen Stefani criticized by fans for her outfit on ‘The Voice’ opening night

Season 26 of The Voice got off to roaring start this week, introducing their new lineup of judges which includes musical icons such as Snoop Dogg, Michael Buble, Reba McEntire, and Gwen Stefani.

Fans will be familiar with Reba and Stefani as coaches from previous seasons (Reba won Season 25) though Buble and Snoop Dogg are new faces on the show. To adequately introduce themselves, the quartet opted to perform rock classic Heartache Tonight by the Eagles to get the crowd going.

And it most certainly worked. The opening night of this season’s The Voice drew comments from all quarters for various reasons, though Gwen Stefani might not have been anticipating catching so much flack for her dress…

Being chosen to star as a coach on The Voice must be a rather illustrious honor. After all, the likes of John Legend, Blake Shelton, Adam Levine, and Kelly Clarkson have held the office in the past, so it really is a who’s who pantheon of music industry greats we’re talking about here.

Season 26 sees the aforementioned lineup of Snoop Dogg, Michael Buble, Reba McEntire, and Gwen Stefani vying to be crowned the winning coach. Four distinguished artists from four very different musical backgrounds, we’re sure you’ll all agree, but their differences can be expected to make this season every bit as juicy as the must-see offerings from years past.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – SEPTEMBER 20: Gwen Stefani performs during the 2024 iHeartRadio Music Festival at T-Mobile Arena on September 20, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Astrida Valigorsky/WireImage)

Indeed, if the opening night of the show was anything to go by, fans are in for an entertaining ride. In order to set the tone, the four judges performed a joint rendition of Heartache Tonight by The Eagles, each imprinting their own unique style while managing to harmonize with the others.

Judging newcomer Snoop Dogg drew particular praise for his vocals and outfit, which apparently left plenty of viewers suprised.

I didn’t know Snoop could sing?!!! I know him as a rapper,” one wrote.

Another chimed: “Snoop has a great voice. Very smooth—just like him.”

A third added: “I am SHOOKETH! They really got some excellent vocals out of Snoop.”

Yet while Snoop rode a wave of positive vibes, fellow judge Gwen Stefani found her outfit choice being dissected… and there were some viewers who were less than happy.

In fact, there were a number of individuals who took to social media to air unflattering opinions, with the majority of them seemingly taking umbrage with Stefani’s choice of dress.

Why can Gwen never wear decent clothing? Is it a children’s show, not just adults? It is disgusting.[sic]” one person scathed.

A second remarked: “Gwen is too old to dress like a teenager. Time to have class like Reba—always dressed like the star with class[sic].”

Gwen Stefani performs on ‘The Voice’ Season 26 – Credit: YouTube/ @nbcthevoice

Snoop and Reba are best singing together. Gwen needs to go n dress like a class lady. Michael is good[sic],” added another.

Let us know what you thought to Gwen Stefani’s outfit – and indeed the episode as a whole – in the comments.

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